SECS/GEM For Process Tool OEMs
ErgoTech's TransSECS Developer product provides the fastest solution for adding SECS/GEM to a tool. Any SECS/GEM fab host will be able to connect to your tool to send host commands and receive the requested process events and data from your tool.
TransSECS provides a graphical user interface in which you connect data sources (plc registers, OPC-UA tags, OPC-DA tags, and many other data sources) to the SECS/GEM IDs (alarms, events, data variables, etc.). You can even deploy the SECS/GEM interface as an OPC-UA Server if your tool is already using an OPC-UA client for its control and user interface software such as Wonderware InTouch, Cimplicty, or Ignition (and many others). TransSECS handles most GEM messages for you, and you can add replies for host messages and recipes (TransSECS will also do basic recipe handling for you too).
The deployed SECS/GEM interface can run on small systems such as a Raspberry Pi, or you can add the SECS/GEM interface application to an existing Windows computer or Linux system., whatever works best for you. Please contact us for a demo to see how easy and fast this is.

Tool Project Examples • Built and Deployed Directly fromTransSECS
- Wet Bench • Omron CJ (FINS)
- Wafer Washer • OPC UA Server/Mitsubishi Q
- Sensor Replacement • Omron NX (EtherNet/IP)
- Full Tool Retrofit • OPC UA Client/Modbus
- Wet Bench • Modbus
- Wet Bench • OPC-DA Client (Legacy)
- Wet Bench • OPCUA Server
- SRD with full Operator HMI • TransSECS MIStudio
TransSECS for Tool Builders comes in several "flavors" depending on what you need to do:
TransSECS/MIStudio - you can integrate with all data source types (PLCs, Databases, OPC-UA/DA, sensors) and build a full web-based (HTML5) operator interface
TransSECS Devices - you can directly connect to PLC registers, databases, OPC-UA Servers, etc. and keep your existing HMI operator interface
TransSECS Servers - you can build a server which runs 24/7 to provide a SECS/GEM tool interface that you connect to with your existing HMI Client, whether it be via OPC-UA, MQTT, or some other protocol. The sever can also deployed to the Cloud.
Programmatic TransSECS - the ultimate geeky solution for those adept at C, C++, .net, CSharp, Java, Javascript,or even Python. Pick your language and favorite IDE and use the libraries generated from setting up your SECS/GEM ids and messages in TransSECS to give you a big head start on your development efforts.
We are always here to help, and we can provide services to get you started fast or we can complete the whole project for you. Please ask us if you have questions, need to discuss your project, or if you would like a demo of TransSECS.