Operational Technology Tools for Industry 4.0
  • Energy Monitoring
  • Fault Detection
  • Predictive Analytics
  • AI
  • Cloud SCADA
  • Streaming

MIStudio IIoT DX — Edge, Server, Cloud

Redefine IIoT with MIStudio the most advanced low/no-code platform: simple connectivity, powerful data, anywhere.

No Coding Required
Design and deploy sophisticated applications without the need for extensive coding or programming expertise. MIStudio’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface lets you create real-time dashboards with forms, tables, reports, and industrial-grade visualization — effortlessly combine data and insights.

Seamless Connectivity Across All Systems
Effortlessly integrate legacy and modern PLCs, industrial controllers, databases, and cloud services, offering drag-and-drop configuration for OPC UA, UNS, MQTT, Sparkplug, IIoT systems, Linux/Windows servers, SCADA, and cloud environments.

Advanced Data Management & Data Mesh
Seamless, distributed, data collection, processing, and management. With built-in support for Data Mesh architecture, it ensures scalable, decentralized data integration, empowering real-time analytics, AI/ML workflows, and enterprise-wide data accessibility.

IOT & Cloud • End-to-End OPC UA • Secure • No-Code • Easy Legacy Integration

OPC is the secure technology you already know. The Cloud is a hodgepodge. Azure this, AWS that, Google something else, Oracle, Siemens, GE, MQTT, REST, AMQP - everyone offering their own hub or gateway for factory automation, manufacturing and SCADA. New and different technologies that you have to learn and secure - each designed to keep you locked to one vendor. And the more technologies you add, the more likely you are to add a security hole - no one can be an expert on everything. That's why ErgoTech delivers end-to-end OPC UA. A single, proven technology that you already know. Secure by design and field tested for OT professionals, not just IT geeks. Complete your project easily and quickly with ErgoTech OPC solutions and benefit from our 20+ years of experience.
Let us know how we can help

ErgoTech’s OPC UA solutions make using the Cloud easy and safe. You already know OPC and can create secure, robust, Cloud & IOT applications. Moving applications to the Cloud lets you do your job better while saving cost and lowering security risks for your business.

Managed OPCUA Server in the Cloud

Your own OPC UA server in the Cloud that you can read and write just as if you'd installed it on your local system but accessible worldwide. All transfers are encrypted, and only clients you choose can get access to the data. We provision and manage your server. It's secure and we monitor for problems and are here to answer any questions.

  • OPC UA Server in Any Cloud
  • Amazon's AWS
  • Microsoft's Azure
  • Google Cloud
  • VMWare vSphere,
  • Hybrid
  • Docker
  • Multiple Tiers
  • Single OPCUA Server
  • Persistent Server
  • Redundant High Availability Servers
  • Worldwide Availability
  • Easy to Use Scenarios
  • Save OPC Data To Databases
  • Alarming on OPC Tag
  • Realtime and Historical Views
  • Database Reporting
  • High Performance HMIs
  • Secure
  • Your Own Instances
  • Mutiple Tenants
  • Encrypted Communication
  • Web-based Security Certificate Management

MIStudio Drag & Drop Cloud Builder with OPC UA

Easily Integrate everything with the Cloud

  • Scalable
  • IOT
  • Windows PCs
  • Servers
  • Any Cloud
  • OPC UA
  • Cloud OPC UA Server
  • IOT OPC Clients
  • IOT OPC Servers
  • OPC Client Server-to-Server Bridge
  • Legacy OPC Integration
  • Visualization
  • Dashboards
  • High Performance HMIs
  • Charting
  • Reporting
  • Wrap & Embrace Legacy
  • Factory Automation
  • MES
  • ERP
  • Legacy Systems of All Kinds
  • Direct to PLCs
  • Modbus
  • Ethernet/IP
  • Siemens
  • Rockwell
  • Omron (Fins/EIP)
  • Mitsubishi
  • More...
  • Deploy To
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Docker
  • Cloud
  • 3rd Party Integration
  • OPCUA Client & Server
  • MQTT
  • REST
  • AWS/Kinesis
  • Azure IOT
  • Google I/O
  • Files, XML, CSV, etc.
  • Spreadsheets
  • Others...

One tool from IOT to Cloud • Deploy to Windows, Linux, Hybrid, Cloud or IOT - even the popular Raspberry Pi • OPC UA throughout • Secure, capable & well understood

Need Help? We can quickly and cost-effectively build a solution for you from project startup help and training to complete turnkey applications.

Cloud Native SCADA

More than just a GUI Builder

Manage data securely and seamlessly across your environment - Cloud, IOT, MES, ERP, GUIs, Databases, analytics, AI and back. Cloud-Native means more than easy-to-build dashboards and operator displays. Click-and-drag diagramming lets you build data flow so that you can manipulate streams of data everywhere in the Cloud. Take data from IOT and move them to a database, reporting, your AI and analytics applications and to views. Wrap-and-embrace legacy systems to integrate with MES, ERP and corporate manufacturing systems. Disassemble different streams and recombine them to seamlessly move massive datasets around within the Cloud in real time. Decisions made in the Cloud, by smart analytics or user interactions are easily streamed back to your IOT devices and facilities or manufacturing systems. Native HTML5 graphics mean responsive web-based displays.

Cloud-Native SCADA encapsulates all the complexities of Cloud IT - Docker Deployment, Security, Data Management - without programming. Your factory floor and process experts to do what they've always done for you - design and build production systems.

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Data Collection - the start of smart decisions

Whether monitoring energy and facilities for cost reduction, or manufacturing for process savings and improvements, you needs data. You need to collect comprehensive data from all your manufacturing and facilities systems and build consolidated data sets from your scattered systems to make smarter decisions. PLCs and factory controllers - Modbus, Siemens, Rockwell/AB, Omron, Mitsubishi - industry specific protocols - BACnet for building automation, SECS/GEM for semiconductor and electronics as well as other electrical and substation integration - finally OPCUA and Legacy OPC support means there's almost nothing you can't access. Deploy your solution to any embedded IOT platforms or at the Cloud edge. Read More

Cloud Integration

Secure and cost-effective

Supporting all major Cloud providers you can "bring your own cloud" or move between providers as your applications demand. Benefit from the cost savings, security, flexibility and scalability of the Cloud without a vendor lock. Read More

AI and Advanced Analytics

Computers Understand Big Data better than Humans

AI and Advanced Analytics are giving better answers for quality, productivity and cost reduction. Automate decision making for process enhancement and put your engineering resources to better use when they are spending less time reading log files and watching 3σ charts. Correlate test data to production parameters with automatic feedback. Analyze small and large datasets ("Big Data") in real-time so you can adapt to changing conditions and prevent scrap. Read More

Take Control

Drag-and-Drop tools for shop floor and process experts

Industry 4.0, increased digitization and automated decision making are all driving better quality and lowering cost, but can leave you feeling powerless when you have to rely on expensive IT resources for specifications and implementation. It often seems that IT experts don't understand your unique production requirements and can't easily communicate with your in-house experts.

Familiar tools for OT (Operational Technology - Production Personnel) put you back in control. One drag-and-drop SCADA and HMI application cuts through the complexity and deploys mobile and IOT applications and to any Cloud as easily as to a local PC.

With these tools, you stay in charge and can focus on strategic manufacturing problems not struggling with the intricacies of IT. Read More

IT for OT

Putting the people who understand in charge

Your factory floor production teams - Operational Technology (OT) - know your environment. They may not know the IT infrastructure but they know the challenges and your goals. The rapid pace of change is taking away their contributions. You need to give them back their HMIs and tools for monitoring, storing, analyzing and viewing data - but better tools in this new IOT/Cloud environment that let you all do more with less effort. They need familiar drag-and-drop manufacturing SCADA and HMI tools so they can continue to run your production while you move forward. With these tools, you stay in charge. Read More