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The Two Dimensional Value Object (TwoDimensionalValueObject) (often referred to as 2DVO) contains rows and columns of ValueObjects. This is typically obtained as a result of a database table lookup. There is a DataSource which generates a 2DVO for testing: TwoDimensionalDataSource.

The Trend Chart,HTML Chart, and ECharts LineCharts are an examples of graphics that will use a Two Dimensional Value Object.

There are also database components that will create Two Dimensional Value Objects from a database lookup. For example, the Historical Database Server (HistoricalDatabaseServer) returns a timestamped set of rows of table columns in its 2DVO.


The value of a Two Dimensional Value Object will be converted to a String representing the number of rows and columns in the 2DVO when sent to a graphic that expects a single String or Number (not a 2DVO). For example, if you send a 2DVO into an Annunciator you will see a String that looks like (n,m) where n is the number of rows and m is the number of columns in the 2DVO.

Even though an 2DVO is composed of individual Value Objects, it has an overall Quality and Color property. If you access the Quality or Color of an 2DVO you will be using this overall Color or Quality, not the Color or Quality associated with any particular element of the 2DVO.

JavaScript Examples

Here is a specific example of using JavaScript to generate a 2DVO:

Create a 2DVO

  • twodvalueobjects.1633998507.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/10/11 19:28
  • by wikiadmin