These steps assume you have installed MIStudio on your development system already. This can be a trial or non-trial installation.

In the step below “Setup the MIX Runtime Directory” you will be transferring all the files from this installation's MIStudioSuite/MIX directory to the “mixruntime” directory on the pi.

Make Sure JDK 8 is Installed

ssh into your Raspberry Pi system and check the java version. On Windows you can use putty to ssh. Check the documentation that came with your system for the username and password. On a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 this username will be “pi”, and the password “raspberry”.


enter the password when prompted. When you are logged in, check the java version:

java -version

if java is installed you should see it print a version number. MIX requires JDK 1.8_xxxxxxx.

openjdk version "1.8.0_222"

if you do not see that it is installed, or if it is not version 8, you will need to install JDK 8. You can install openjdk or corretto, or other other jdk builds as long as they are compatible with JDK 8.

Install the Serial Port Drivers

The serial port library will need to be installed. See for more details.

sudo apt-get install librxtx-java

this installs so's into /usr/lib/jni and RXTX jar into /usr/share/java, which is the expected location for the MIX software.

Setup the MIX Runtime Directory

The MIX runtime should run as a dedicated “mix” user with a secure password, but you can test MIX using the default user for your system, for example, for user “pi”.

To test as user “pi” make a directory called “mixruntime” in the pi home directory.

ftp the contents of the MIX directory on your development system to this “mixruntime” directory on the pi. You can use Filezilla or any other ftp application to do this. Make sure all the files you see in the MIStudioSuite/MIX directory are transfered to the mixruntime directory.

Setup MIX

The mixruntime directory on the pi should have a subdirctory called “scripts”. Copy the file from the scripts directory into the main mixruntime directory. Likewise, there is a log4j directory. Copy the log4j.console.xml file from the log4j directory into the main mixruntime directory.

cp ./scripts/ .
cp ./log4j/log4j.console.xml .

Make the file “” executable.

chmod 711


In the console window use sudo ./ to start MIX. MIX needs to run with elevated privileges.

sudo ./

If MIX starts up correctly it will be waiting for a deployment connection from MIStudio, or for a web browser connection.

If you see errors, you can use the error information as a guild to understanding the problem.

If you are not deploying trial builds from MIStudio, you will see a pre-license key the first time you run MIX with a project. To license MIX (for non-trial deployments), follow the instructions Runtime Setup

  • rpisetupformix.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/02/23 23:42
  • by wikiadmin