
Message Status Codes

Status codes are used to determine if a message was successfully sent or not and what error, if any, occurred. These status codes are accessed in MIStudio by looking at the Good Status and Error Status outputs of the message bean. For OPCUA and OPCDA, examine the .errorstatus and .goodstatus tags of the message.

Good Status Options

The “Good Status” value will be 0 when the message was successfully sent (and a reply received).

0: Indicates that the transaction completed successfully and that both the request and response message are valid. The response is valid only if the message expected a reply.

Error Status Options

The “Error Status” value will only change if the message was not sent successfully.

Possible error status codes are:

1: Timeout Error. Indicates that the transaction completed with a T3.

2: S9 Error. Indicates that the transaction completed with a Stream 9 message. The content (MHEAD) of the S9 message must match the system bytes of the outgoing message, that is to say, this message must have caused the S9. The specific S9Fx message depends on the situation defined in the SEMI standard. For example, S9F1 will be a device id mismatch.

3: F0 Error. Indicates that the transaction completed with a Function 0 message. The stream of the message must match the stream of this message. All messages of this stream will be terminated. An SxF0 message may indicate that the tool is offline.

4: Cannot Send. Indicates that the message could not be sent. This will occur, for example, if there is no connection to the target host/equipment.

-1: Unsolicited Message Received. This is not an error, per se, but an indication that an unsolicited message (such as an S6F11 from a tool) was received and that the message should be responded to.

  • message_status_codes.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/05/12 18:09
  • by wikiadmin