1. Create a SD flash card with the Example Image from https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/document/109741799/simatic-iot2000-sd-card-example-image?dti=0&lc=en-WW, such as https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/attachments/109741799/Example_Image_V2.2.0.zip

e.g. on Linux, new flash is mounted on /dev/sdd, open teminal in the directory where the example image “example_image.wic” resides, use

sudo dd if=example_image.wic of=/dev/sdd bs=4M

then use


and wait until the flash is completely written

2. Insert new flash card into IOT2040, insert Ethernet cable into X1P1LAN, power on the system, and wait for boot up. Ethernet will be active when fully booted.

3. ssh into the system on, i.e., ssh -l root

4. FTP the MIX tar.gz to the /home/root directory of the system. When completed this will be the only file you see in /home/root.

5. Extract the tar.gz using this command in the ssh terminal while in /home/root:

tar -xvp -f IOT2040_MIX_03Oct2018.tar.gz -C /

This step takes a couple minutes to complete.

6. Delete the IOT2040_MIX_03Oct2018.tar.gz file by typing this into the ssh terminal:

rm IOT2040_MIX_03Oct2018.tar.gz

7. When you restart the system, MIX will be running when the reboot is complete. You may type “reboot” in the ssh terminal to start the reboot.

It takes about 3-4 minutes for the system to reboot and MIX to be completely running.

After reboot is complete you can browse into the example MIX project at and/or connect with an OPCUA Client.

The default login for MIX is “ergouser” and “default” for the password

There are three read-only OPCUA tags running in the server (a float, an int, and one boolean), and one read-write numeric value (which sets the level of the float flux server).

The OPCUA endpoint is opc.tcp://

The OPCUA security model is NONE/NONE

Note: The project running in this example will run as trial for an extended time. New projects downloaded to MIX will run for the time period set in the trial or permanently for a full license.

  • iot2040setup.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/05/12 19:35
  • by wikiadmin