

The Double Value Object (“DVO”) is a type of Value Object which is used for decimal numbers (float or double types).

Many of the mathematical manipulators generate Double Value Objects. For example the Scaler will use any numeric input and generate a decimal output. See the documentation on each manipulator for specifics on its output type.

There are several sample data sources that can be used to generate Double Value Objects for testing. These are the Random Data (RandomData), Float Flux Server (FloatFluxServer), and the  Sine Server (SineServer).


Internally the DoubleValueObject will store the value as a java double type. If the java type used to create this value object is a float, the internal type will set as “F”, otherwise “D”.

If you send a DoubleValueObject to a Manipulator which generates Strings, the value will be stored as a String with three decimal places.

JavaScript Notes

Data will be converted when possible.

var DoubleValueObject = Java.type("com.ergotech.vib.valueobjects.DoubleValueObject");
var StringValueObject = Java.type("com.ergotech.vib.valueobjects.StringValueObject");
var LongValueObject = Java.type("com.ergotech.vib.valueobjects.LongValueObject");
test1 = new StringValueObject(new DoubleValueObject(55.654124)); //stored as a String with value "55.654"
vo = new LongValueObject(23); // cannot store the LongValueObject in a DoubleValueObject,so need to get the integer value first
test1 = new DoubleValueObject(vo.getIntValue()); //stored as a floating point value 23.0000...

Example 1: Create a Double Value Object with value PI

var PI = Java.type("java.util.Math.PI");
var DoubleValueObject = Java.type("com.ergotech.vib.valueobjects.DoubleValueObject");
output = new DoubleValueObject(PI);

Example 2: Add two values from two data sources named “Value1” and “Value2”. One value is a decimal number and the other is non-decimal.

var DoubleValueObject = Java.type("com.ergotech.vib.valueobjects.DoubleValueObject");
value1 = Value1 -> getDoubleValue();
value2 = Value2 -> getLongValue();
DVO = new DoubleValueObject(value1+value2);

Example 3. Get the float value of an incoming value object

floatValue = incomingValue.getFloatValue();

Example 4. Get the Boolean value of the incoming DoubleValueObject

boolValue = incomingValue.getBoolValue(); //will be true if !=0 and false otherwise
  • doublevalueobject.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/10/11 20:49
  • by wikiadmin