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Host Connection Status

After building a GEM Host in TransSECS you can register to receive the current status of the connection:

    host.addConnectionStatusListener(new ConnectionStatusListener() {
      public void connectionStatusChanged(int connectionStatus, String comment) {
         System.out.println ("Current Connection Status " + connectionStatus + " Status String \"" + comment + "\"");        

TransSECS GEM Host Connection States

JavaScript Example for MIStudio/TransSECS

Trigger this script at startup. This script pushes data to two BroadcastServers (StatusListenerCommand and StatusListenerValue) whenever there is a connection status change.

 //sets up a listener to handle connection status changes
 var TransSecsController = Java.type("com.ergotech.transsecs.secs.TransSecsController");
 var ConnectionStatusListener = Java.type("");
 var statusListener  = new ConnectionStatusListener() {
    connectionStatusChanged : function(connectionStatus,comment) {
      print ("Current Connection Status " + connectionStatus + " Status String \"" + comment + "\"");    
 host=TransSecsController.findController("GEMHost");     //use  your GEM Host name 
  • host_connection_status.1618359078.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/04/13 19:11
  • by wikiadmin