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GEM300 Scripts
GEM300 standards consist of state models. This Intel transcript provides an overview. As you move product, or carriers through your tool the control system must update the current state to ensure that the host can correctly manage tool operation.
Implementation of these standards will require reference to the appropriate standard and state model in the standard. The implementations will vary based on your needs and the capabilities of the tool. A wide range of possible scenarios are provide in the SEMATECH document 300 mm Operational Flowcharts and Scenarios, V. 10
TransSECS implementation
In all the TransSECS GEM300 implementations there are two, fundamental part.
- “Callback” interface - this is how you are notified of the host's requests
- “Service Wrapper” - this is how you indicate that changes at the tool.
Individual standards have other components, E40 Process Jobs, E87 Carriers, E90 Substrates, E94 Control Jobs, etc.
Note: You do not need to implement, or parse SECS messages. This is all done for you within the interface. Do not add GEM300 messages to the TransSECS interface.
E39 is a required standard to support GEM300, however the implementation and operation of E39 is completely transparent to the TransSECS GEM300 operation. You need only initiailize the interface.
Provides a model of the process state within the tool, primarily through the management of “Process Jobs”. A Process Job is created by the host, or on rare occasions by the tool. In a simple example, the process job may go through the following steps:
- Allocated - state transition 2 - the Process Job is removed from the queue in preparation for execution - processJob.allocated();
- Material Arrived - no state transition - indicate that the material for the Process Job is at the tool - processJob.materialArrived();
- Start the Job - state transition 4 - start execution of the Process Job - processJob.readyToStart(); (Note: If the process job is not set to start automatically a “Start” command will be required from the host - see below).
- Processing Complete - state transition 6 - The material processing is complete - processJob.complete();
- Material Departed - state transition 7 - The material has been removed from the tool. The process job is complete and will be deleted - processJob.materialDeparted();
E40 Service Wrapper
The E40 Service Wrapper provides access to control the flow of E40. Most importantly, it provides access to the individual Process Jobs.
A listing of all process jobs is provided by:
A particular process job can be obtained by the job id:
E40 Callback Interface
The E40 Callback Interface provides notification of activity from the host. There are four methods:
prStateChange : function (prJob, oldState, newState)
Indicates that the state of a process job has change.
prJobCreate : function (prJob)
A request to create a process job. No action is required if the creation of the process job is acceptable. If not, throw an E40Exception with the reason it's not acceptable. prSetRecipeVariable : function (prJob, recVarList) This method provides recipe variable. Support is option, if supported this must set the provided recipe variables on the job id.
prSetMtrlOrder : function (prCurrentMtrlOrder, prNewMtrlOrder)
Set the order in which process jobs should be processed. Possible options are: 1 = ARRIVAL process whichever material first arrives 2 = OPTIMIZE process in an order that maximizes throughput 3 = LIST follow the order in the list
prCommandCallback : function (prJob, prCmd, prCmdParameterList)
Called when the host requests that a command be executed on the process job. Possible commands are ABORT,STOP,CANCEL,PAUSE,RESUME,STARTPROCESS Only ABORT must be supported. If the command is not supported, throw an E40Exception
Sample Implementation
var E39MessageHandler = Java.type("com.ergotech.secs.e39.E39MessageHandler"); var E40MessageHandler = Java.type("com.ergotech.secs.e40.E40MessageHandler"); var E40ServiceWrapper = Java.type("com.ergotech.secs.e40.E40ServiceWrapper"); var E40CallbackInterface = Java.type("com.ergotech.secs.e40.E40CallbackInterface"); var ProcessJob = Java.type("com.ergotech.secs.e40.ProcessJob"); var TransSecsController = Java.type("com.ergotech.transsecs.secs.TransSecsController"); var Thread = Java.type("java.lang.Thread"); // create the callback interface. var E40Callback = new E40CallbackInterface() { prStateChange : function (prJob, oldState, newState) { print ("State Change for " + prJob.getPrJobId() + " From: " + ProcessJob.getStateName(oldState) + " to " + ProcessJob.getStateName(newState)); // send the new state for the process job to the PLC /E40Modbus/ProcessJobId->setStringValue(prJob.getPrJobId()); /E40Modbus/CurrentProcessJobState->setIntValue(newState); }, prJobCreate : function (prJob) { // a request to create a process job. It;s possible to query the PLC (or any other subsystem // to determine if this process job is allowable. If not, throw an E40Exception with the // reason it's not acceptable. Here's we'll always accept it print ("Job Creation of " + prJob.getPrJobId() + " permitted"); // indicate that this job is not allocated /E40Modbus/Allocated->setIntValue(0); // record the id /E40Modbus/ProcessJobId->setStringValue(prJob.getPrJobId()); }, prSetRecipeVariable : function (prJob, recVarList) { // set the provided recipe variables on the job id. // that is, send the recVarList to the PLC if ( recVarList != null ) { for ( counter = 0 ; counter < recVarList() ; counter++ ){ print("Host Requested Recipe Variable \"" + recVarList(counter).getStringValue() + "\" on " + prJob ); } } }, prSetMtrlOrder : function (prCurrentMtrlOrder, prNewMtrlOrder) { // Set the order in which process jobs should be processed // possible options are: //1 = ARRIVAL process whichever material first arrives //2 = OPTIMIZE process in an order that maximizes throughput //3 = LIST follow the order in the list }, prCommandCallback : function (prJob, prCmd, prCmdParameterList) { print("Host Requested \"" + prCmd + "\" on " + prJob + " with parameters " + prCmdParameterList); // called when the host reequests that a command be executed on the process job // possible commands are ABORT,STOP,CANCEL,PAUSE,RESUME,STARTPROCESS; cmds = ['NONE','ABORT','STOP','CANCEL','PAUSE','RESUME','STARTPROCESS']; // should never be 'NONE' // A different PLC register could be used for each of these and so the command // could be indicated by, for example: // /ModbusE4/STARTPROCESS->setIntValue(1); // Here we use a single register and indicate the commands, ABRORT=1, STOP=2, etc. // first indicate which process job the command is being executed on /E40Modbus/ProcessJobId->setStringValue(prJob.getPrJobId()); // send the parameters - here we just print them if ( prCmdParameterList != null ) { for ( counter = 0 ; counter < prCmdParameterList.size() ; counter++ ){ print("Host Requested Parameter \"" + prCmdParameterList.get(counter).getStringValue() + "\" on " + prJob ); } } // get the index of the command cmdId = cmds.indexOf(prCmd); /E40Modbus/PrCmd->setIntValue(cmdId); } }; /// START OF MAIN JAVASCRIPT CODE /// print("wait for controller THREAD started"); var controller = null; do { //print("host is still null"); Thread.sleep(50); //wait 50 ms controller = TransSecsController.findController("E40PLCTool"); } while (controller == null); try { E39MessageHandler.addMessageHandler(controller.getControllerName()); E40MessageHandler.addMessageHandler(); } catch ( e) { print (e); } E40ServiceWrapper.getInstance().registerCallback(E40Callback); print("E40 Registered");
As noted above, if the process job is not set to auto start, you will need to start the job at the tool after the host sends the start command. In this case, you may want to check the transition to “PROCESSING” in the state change function. Here's a quick code snippet.
prStateChange : function (prJob, oldState, newState) { if (newState == ProcessJobStates.PROCESSING.getStateId() && oldState == ProcessJobStates.WAITINGFORSTART.getStateId() ) { // send the commands to the control system to start executing the process job } // similar checks may be needed for transitions from PAUSED // additional state-change related code. }
Provides a model of a “Control Job”. Control Jobs are created and managed by the host, or on rare occasions by the tool. Control Jobs contain Process Jobs (E40) which perform that actual processing of product.
E94 Service Wrapper
The E94 Service Wrapper provides access to control the flow of E94, however there are not actions required by the tool controller to manage a control job.
E94 Callback Interface
The E94 Callback Interface provides notification of activity from the host. A sample implementation of the interface is provided below. The tool control system should implement as many of the methods are required to progress the Control Job through the tool. Each of the control job actions acts on the underling Process Jobs.
// create the callback interface. var E94Callback = new E94CallbackInterface() { // objID is the ID of the control job // cntrlJob is the control job instance. cjStart : function (objID, cntrlJob) { // Host has sent the CJStart Message }, cjPause : function (objID, cntrlJob) { // Host has sent the CJPause Message }, cjResume : function (objID, cntrlJob) { // Host has sent the cjResume Message }, cjCancel : function (objID, cntrlJob) { // Host has sent the cjCancel Message }, cjDeselect : function (objID, cntrlJob) { // Host has sent the cjDeselect Message }, cjStop : function (objID, cntrlJob) { // Host has sent the cjStop Message }, cjAbort : function (objID, cntrlJob) { // Host has sent the cjAbort Message }, cjHOQ : function (objID, cntrlJob) { // Host has sent the cjHOQ Message }, cjCreate : function (objID, cntrlJob) { // Host has sent the cjCreate Message }, cjStateChange : function (objID, oldState, newState) { // The control job has changed states. states can be as defined in the E94 // specification and the defined constants in ControlJob } }
Provides control of a carrier. Carriers can be entered manually or automatically and can be verified at the tool - for example by reading an RFID tag, or by the host. The slot map of the carrier can be read by the tool and verified by the host or provided by the host.
E87 Service Wrapper
The E87 Service Wrapper provides access to control the flow of E87. Because there are many paths through the tool, E87 must provide for all these options, however, a particular tool is unlikely to require all the features. A basic flow, might looks something like this
e87ServiceWrapper = E87ServiceWrapper.getInstance(); // mark the carrier as arrived... e87ServiceWrapper.carrierArrived(carrier.getCarrierId(), carrier.getLoadPortId(), true, false); // set the slot map. This slot map and the host slotmap will match carrier.setSlotMap(slotMap); // transition 11 - the host and equipment slot map match. if ( carrier.getSlotMapStatus().getIntValue() != Carrier.SlotMapE87State.SLOT_MAP_VERIFICATION_OK.getSlotmapE87StateId() ) { System.out.println ("Failed To Verify SlotMap"); } // start processing the carrier e87ServiceWrapper.accessCarrier(carrier.getCarrierId(), Carrier.CarrierAccessE87State.IN_ACCESS); wait500(); // carrier access is complete e87ServiceWrapper.accessCarrier(carrier.getCarrierId(), Carrier.CarrierAccessE87State.CARRIER_COMPLETE); // ending access is not the same as the carrier being ready to unload. e87ServiceWrapper.setLoadPortTransferState(1,9); // transition the load port to "ready to unload" wait500(); // when unloading starts (manual or auto) transition to "TransferBlocked - 7 e87ServiceWrapper.setLoadPortTransferState(1,7); // transition the load port to "ready to unload" //carrier.transition21(); // carrier is removed from tool // could also be the "cancelBind" service which simply executes transition21 after verifying the carrier and port. //e87ServiceWrapper.cancelBind(carrier.getLoadPortId(),carrier.getCarrierId()); // carrier has departed e87ServiceWrapper.carrierDeparted(carrier.getLoadPortId(), carrier.getCarrierId());
E94 Callback Interface
The E87 Callback Interface provides notification of activity from the host. A sample implementation of the interface is provided below. The tool control system should implement as many of the methods are required to progress the carrier through the tool.
var E40Callback = new E87CallbackInterface() { cancelCarrierNotification : function (carrierID) { //Host has requested to cancel carrier notification. }, cancelCarrier : function (portID, carrierID) { //Host has requested to cancel the carrier. We will move to ready to unload. }, bind : function (portID, carrierID) { // The host has sent a carrier bind message. }, cancelCarrierAtPort : function (portID) { // The host has sent a cancel carrier message for the given port. }, carrierRelease : function (locationID, carrierID) { // The host has sent a carrier release message. }, carrierTagReadData : function (locationID, carrierID, dataSeg, dataLength, pData) { // The Host has sent a carrier read tag request. // locationId the id for the location of the carrier. Either the locationID or the carrier ID must be used. // carrierId the carrierID ofthe carrier. Either the locationID or the carrier ID must be used. // dataSeg Indicates a specific section of the data // dataSize Indicates the number of bytes to read }, cancelAllCarrierOut : function () { // The Host has sent a cancel all carrier out message. }, changeServiceStatus : function (portID, status) { // The Host has sent a change service status message. }, cancelCarrierOut : function (carrierID) { // The Host has canceled its previous carrier out message. }, carrierOut : function (portID, carrierID) { // Host has requested a carrier out }, reserveAtPort : function (portID) { // The Host has sent a reserve at port message. We will reserve the port or nack this message. }, cancelBind : function (portID, carrierID) { // The Host has canceled its previous bind message. }, carrierNotification : function (carrierID) { // request to instantiate a carrier }, cancelReserveAtPort : function (portID) { // The Host has canceled its previous reserve at port message. }, carrierRecreate : function (carrierID, propertiesList) { // request to recreate a carrier. propertiesList is a SecsFormat00 }, changeAccessMode : function (newMode, portID) { // request to change the access mode for the port . Modes are MANUAL =0 or AUTO = 1 }, proceedWithCarrier : function (portID, carrierID, propertiesList) { }, carrierTagWriteData : function (locationID, carrierID, dataSeg, dataLength, pData) { // The Host has sent a carrier read tag request. // locationId the id for the location of the carrier. Either the locationID or the carrier ID must be used. // carrierId the carrierID ofthe carrier. Either the locationID or the carrier ID must be used. // dataSeg Indicates a specific section of the data // dataSize Indicates the number of bytes to read // data the data to write public void carrierTagWriteData(String locationID, String carrierID, String dataSeg, int dataLength, String data) throws CallbackException; }, carrierIDVerified : function (portID, carrierID, carrier) { // carrier ID has been verified by the host }, slotMapVerified : function (portID, carrierID, carrier) { // slot map for the carrier has been verifed by the host }, carrierIDAndSlotMapVerified : function (portID, carrierID, carrier) { // slot map and carrier have been verifed by the host }, alarmChanged : function (alarmID, isSet) { // an E87 alarm has been set or cleared }, stateChange : function (stateModel, state, portID, carrierID) { // An E87 State has changed // stateModel will be one of the following indicate which state model has changed state. // 1: LoadPortTransferStateMachine // 2: Carrier ID // 3: Carrier Slot Map // 4: Carrier Accessing State // 5: Access Mode (Manual/Auto) // 6: Load Port Reservation. One per port. Distinguished by port ID. // 7: Load Port Carrier Association // The state will be a valid state for the provided state model }, createCarrier : function (carrierID, portID, propertiesList, transition) { // Carrier creation. propertiesList is a SecsFormat00 representing host-provided properties for the carrier }, capacityUpdated : function (carrier, capacity) { // The Host has sent a new capacity for the carrier. }, contentMapUpdated : function (carrier, propertiesList) { // The Host has sent a new content map for the carrier. propertiesList is a SecsFormat00 representing host-provided properties for the carrier }, hostSlotMapUpdated : function (carrier, hostSlotMap) { // The Host has sent a new slot map for the carrier. }, substrateCountUpdated : function (carrier, substrateCount) { // The Host has sent a new substrate count for the carrier. }, usageChangeRequest : function (carrier, usage) { // The Host has sent a new usage for the carrier. // Usage is equipment defined, examples: "TEST", "DUMMY", "PRODUCT" } }