This article is an overview of Data Sources, Value Objects, and Scripting and has links to articles with more in-depth information.
Data Sources (DataSources) in MIStudio/MIX and TransSECS are beans which connect to or from PLC registers, database tables, manipulate data (scaling, etc.), or are data generators for timing, testing and building logic in the application.
Here are more specific articles which touch on the wide range of Data Sources
PLC Communincation and Configuration for MIStudio and TransSECS
Value Objects (ValueObjects) are the values from Servers (Server Values) and allow the transfer of data between servers, manipulators, plcs, and databases. They contain data value(s) (sometimes arrays), the quality of the data, the time the data was created or read, and other properties which can be used by the receiving DataSource.
The article below describes the general features and properties of Value Objects and has wiki links for more specific information.
Scripting for MIStudio/MIX and TransSECS brings the full power of Java to your applications. Many articles contain examples of scripting
This article covers the basics of using Value Objects in scripts:
Incoming Values and Server Values in Scripts
More detailed information on using ValueObjects and setting their values:
Creating ValueObjects in Scripts
There are many examples of using scripts in the articles below: