The root-node of the TransSECS tree allows you to set the default configuration for your host or tool. For example, here's the default screen from the TransSECS “GEMTool” example project.
When you first run your tool or host, an XML configuration file matching the name you gave in your project will be created. For example, for the “GEMTool” the file will be called “GEMToolProperties.xml”
You may edit this file in any text editor. We recommend the Notepad++ editor but any editor with the ability to edit plain text will work.
Make a backup of the file, just in case. When you open it you will see a header followed by a number of properties:
Each of the parameters is in a block that consists of the name of the parameter as a string and the value. For example, the “passivePort” property looks like this:
<void method="put"> <string>passivePort</string> <int>5010</int> </void>
You should not change any of the parameter names, but can change any of the values as needed for your application.
Important Parameters for Hosts and Tools
* deviceId - the device Id. The host and tool must use the same device id * baudRate - for SECSI tools, this is the serial port baud rate * linkTestInterval - if greater than zero, TransSECS will periodically send an HSMS "linktest" messages. This value is in seconds.
Important Parameters for Tools
* passivePort - this is the port on which the tool will listen for connections from the host * persistenceFileName - provide a filename for saving the GEM configuration. This allows the configuration to persist over tool restarts.
Important Parameters for Hosts
* equipmentHostName - the hostname or IP address of the tool * activePort - the port on which the tool is listening for a connection.
Timeout Parameters
Tool application will have these timeout parameters, as defined by the SECS standard. Parameter units are as defined in the standard.:
* passiveT1 * passiveT2 * passiveT3 * passiveT4 * passiveT5 * passiveT6 * passiveT7 * passiveT8
Host applications will add the following timeouts, again as defined in the standard.
* activeT1 * activeT2 * activeT3 * activeT4 * activeT5 * activeT6 * activeT7 * activeT8
Uncommon Parameters
* activeConnectionRetryInterval - for an "active" tool, TransSECS will periodically attempt a connection to the host. This value is in seconds. (This is an unusual configuration and generally this parameter should not be changed). * passivePort - Host applications. This is used in host applications only when building a "pass through" or "Y-Tap" configuration. It should not usually be changed.
Tech Support Parameters
Change these only if advised to do so by Tech Support.
* allDeviceIdsValid * allowDuplicateSECSIMessages