=====Database Connection Manager===== com.ergotech.vib.historical.DatabaseConnectionManager See also: [[HSQLDBConnectionManagerDocumentation|HSQLDB Connection Manager]] [[SQLiteConnectionManagerDocumentation|SQLite Connection Manager]] [[MySQLConnectionManagerDocumentation|MySQL Connection Manager]] ===Introduction=== This is used to configure and make a connection to a database. The individual [[vibreportinganddatabaseserverbeansdocumentation#database_servers|database servers]] will reference this Bean in their "Connection Name" property.The DatabaseConnectionManager Bean is included in the Reporting module of MIStudio and TransSECS (see [[vibreportinganddatabaseserverbeansdocumentation|Reporting and Historical Servers]]). ===Using in MIStudio=== This Bean has no inputs or outputs. Once configured it can be selected from the list of available database managers in the Connection Name property of the individual SQL database beans. ===Using in Scripts=== ===Configuration=== **Database Driver Class Name**: The full JDBC database driver class name. See the documentation for your JDBC driver and also see Database Reference. **Database URL**: The URL for the database. The format of this is usually something such as jdbc:database_manufacturer:/hostname/database_name, but the exact format should be found in the reference for the JDBC driver for this database. See also [[databasereferencecheatsheet|Database Reference]] for common examples. **User Name**: This is the login name for the database. **Database Password**: The password for the User to log into the database