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transsecs_configuration [2023/07/27 14:19]
transsecs_configuration [2025/02/12 13:36] (current)
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 ===Alarm Anti-Rebound=== ===Alarm Anti-Rebound===
-Two parameters prevent multiple set/clear alarms in a short period of time.  This will prevent multiple alarms being sent on, for example, a switch bobbling.  These parameters are: +Two parameters prevent multiple set/clear alarms in a short period of time.  This will prevent multiple alarms being sent on, for example, a switch bobbling. Set the anti-rebound timeout to a value > 0 to enable this feature.
- +
-transsecs.alarmantireboundenable  (true/false)+
 transsecs.alarmantirebounddeadband  (milliseconds) transsecs.alarmantirebounddeadband  (milliseconds)
-For example, to prevent alarms withing 0.5 seconds of the initial indication add:+For example, to prevent alarms within 0.5 seconds of the initial indication add:
-transsecs.alarmantirebounddeadband=500+Note that adding an ECID AlarmAntiRebound_DeadBand can be used instead of the system property. If this ECID exists the value of transsecs.alarmantirebounddeadband configured in the file will be ignored.
 +===Passive Host/Active Tool===
 +This change should only be made under the direction of tech support and requires an addon package that contains the new configuration.
 +# Switch Active/Passive connections.  Hosts becomes passive, tools active.
 +# All tools become active
 +# All hosts become passive (not required for a tool, but useful for testing).
 +# The address of the host
 +# Optional. How often to wait between attempts to connect to the host in seconds
 +# the default is 5
  • transsecs_configuration.1690485546.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/07/27 14:19
  • by wikiadmin